I started playing vibes and marimba back when I was in high school and thought that I may become a music major in college. I never really became very accomplished with the vibes over the years and have had several sets and always ended up selling them after not playing them very much. After we bought our house on Jumonville Road I giot the urge to but another set of vibes. It took me several years to find a good deal on a used set of vibes. I found a set on Craigslist from someone that had a set is a storage locker. I bought them and had to do some pretty major work on them with the foot pedal and the motor and restringing the bars. I also redid the frame. What you see here is the end result. As with the bass guitar, some day I hope to learn to become more proficient on the vibes. The grandkids love to play them. LOL