Metal Stairwell Panel

I found a metal piece that was to be used in a stairwell area on Facebook Marketplace. It wasn't quite the right angle and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to use it or whether I would end up just reselling it. While I was sleeping one night, I felt like God gave me a vision of how to make it work. So I had this idea but wan't sure if it would really work. (I know yee of little faith). Once we were done with moving in a bunch of the furniture and made some room in the garage so that I could get to my woodworking equipment, I made a practice frame and make shift backing with some scrap wood to see if my vision was going to really work. You can see in the photos the trial version where I had not treated the metal and it definitely looked doable. We did some research on how to stabilize the metal and then how to properly paint it. I wire brushed the metal on both sides and then treated the metal to stabilize it and then used a bronze spray paint to paint the metal. I built the frame and stained it and then cut the background for behind the metal so that it matched the upper section of the wall in the rest of the room. The last step was to mount the completed project to the stairwell and do some finishing touches. I am very happy with the end project. You can even see a closeup of the metal to see the bronze finish. This I am calling Phase 3.