Garage Septic Pipe

We had an issue with our septic line being blocked, so we called a plumber to help us out. He ran a snake and found that there was a clog under the floor of our garage. He ran a camera and discovered that there was a section of the pipe going to the septic system that was broken. He was able to pin point where the break in the pipe was and marked it with paint. It would cost us $800 to fix the broken section of pipe which was about 2 feet down below the cement floor. So being the Beatty's, we decided to take on the project ourselves. The following photos show the process of fixing the broken pipe and then also adding a clean out for future unclogging of the pipe. We discovered that they had originally used very thiin pipe (more like you would use on a downspout) and back filled with huge "turkey sized" rocks which probably crushed the pipe when it was first built. Fixed now with heavy grade septic pipe.